Monday, June 27, 2011

Work in progress

Bob's theme for the week has been week whacking and lawn cutting.  Not only has he trimmed up the putting green (septic bed), but he has also whacked out the burdock in the path to the north trail and he has started to brush out the field.   He is shown in "Mad Mower" mode in the picture.  As if that was not enough, he volunteers every Monday at the golf course and cuts fairways with their super mower.   There should be less to do next year if we can get some more fencing done this summer for the horses - they will be fans of the idea too.
My obsession for the week has been cedar log peeling.  I just can't seem to stop myself, but am not finished yet.  I have taken to wearing some protective "part" gloves, they allow for me to still feel to peel and they prevent me from gouging my hands so much with the peeling blade. The posts and rails for the west porch railing are all peeled now, I just have to do the 83 spindles and some supplies for doing the inside stairs. Despite the work to harvest and prepare them, supplying the peeled materials makes the installation more personal.  I would like to get finished so that I can start to get some riding in, that was the idea with retirement???