Monday, June 27, 2011

Summer blooms

In the time that we have been here, I had not noticed the bold pink wild roses in the pathway to the well.   The longer that we are here, the more that we learn to look more carefully for what has been there for some time.  I managed to catch the roses while still dewey from one of the many recent rains.   Apparently this distracted my concentration, on our return both Harley the Wonder Dog and I were soaked to the skin.  He had a mighty shake and felt fine, but I shivered my way into a dry set of clothes.
Another outing with Harley revealed the profusion of blooms on the blackberry bushes this year.  I would pretend to keep their location a secret, but that is not possible because they are all along Kahles Road and our main lane.   There are lots of blueberries ripening in the meadow all around the horse pasture, but the sandhill cranes are picking away at them faster than they can finish ripening.  They have similarly "harvested" the wild strawberries.