Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tree spirit

Often when we have a break for coffee in the trailer, the door opens twice before it will stay closed.   We think that this is the spirits of Frank and Rose Cook coming to visit!   They were the owners of this place when it was operated (to the late 60's) as a golf course.  The course made it to five holes before they returned to Ohio and sold the place.  The Cooks were very nice people and we think that their "other world" visits to us are friendly and happy.   To include them in Angara, we have named the tree spirit as Frank.  He is mounted on the main king post column and reminds us that the Cooks watch over things for us.   We hope to find some old pictures of the log cabin that was at this site, lived in by the Cooks during the summers.  Bob's father used to help maintain their diesel generator years ago, it's a small world.