Saturday, June 26, 2010

Processor - amazing log harvest equipment

This processor is Brian's machine, Jari is on the other one and Jim is on the forwarder (a machine which picks up, moves and stacks the logs for hauling away by LA).   The processor is an incredible device, it fells the tree and then de-limbs and cuts it up into measured lengths - all in about a minute or two.   The lengths are neatly stacked and the limbs are laid out and flattened (for tidiness and fire safety) to make what will be future pathways through the forest.  Meakin is the company who did the selective poplar (trembling aspen) harvest and they did a great job.   The harvest was to remove mature poplar but not mature hardwoods, cedar or pine.   In addition, the forest was left with sufficient density of remaining young AND mature poplar to keep it healthy.   Meakin did all of this, including building roadways, installing culverts and restoring areas after they were finished.   All in all they practiced good forestry methods and generally improved the property.  We'd highly recommend them.