Thursday, October 20, 2011

Clever inside positioning

Now the trick that made this really slick, we transfer the lifting to a wheeled single lift of scaffolding, using a peeled fence post log as a lift beam.  With this "trolley" we roll the stair assembly into position.  This seems to be the "secret" of log stair building, to be tackled only with the guidance of a professional log builder!!!!
From here we transfer from the trolley to a second log lift beam, this one at the stair opening in the loft floor (you can see a bit of the second beam on the right at the top of the photo).
Now we hoist them into place and fine tune the fitting into the space (e.g. by flattening the log header beam of the opening with an electric chain saw).  Ronn kindly switched to using clear chainsaw oil instead of the usual messy red oil.