Monday, May 9, 2011

Work and Play

Harley the Wonder Dog takes a break after a run peaking at 36 km/hour and cruising with the ATV on the forest trails.   This was a break for us after a day of working on wiring.  A test of any relationship is working together on electrical code compliance.....  We are going to finish up on our own permit where our electrician left off.  A visit from the inspector gets us to change a few things but generally shows us to be on track.   Now it is just painstaking careful work to get the next phase done.  It will be nice to soon have a little more lighting (other than candles and the trouble light), some main floor receptacles and an electric stove....  how decadent!

George shows how to be mellow about everything.  This despite a day of being locked in his cat carrier after running through the wet paint on the basement stairs that I was working on......  he is shown here on the back of the sofa with his paw on Bog's shoulder while we watch a movie.