Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Waxing moon

Winter is holding off for the time being despite a few snow flakes that appeared at the end of October.  Harley and I noticed them as we were leaving Blind River to go to do Magical Paws therapy work.  Needless to say the flakes all melted away, for now that is.  A new activity for me for the week was working on the first in a series of correspondence courses.  I am studying to register for a real estate sales licence in the spring and have lined up a brokerage to article with.  The bed-bale-breakfast plan is slow coming together, so I thought that I would branch into a related field.  So far the first course is interesting and the self testing is not too difficult.  I am looking forward to meeting lots of people and having the opportunity to see local houses and properties.  Bob may be concerned that this will add ideas to the to-do list....??? October closed with an early evening waxing moon and I dedicate this photo and post to Alan Moore, a dear former colleague (and recipient of this letter series) who passed away suddenly on Friday evening.  I'll miss his witty insightful comments, as well I will remember fondly the more than twenty years that we worked together.