Monday, August 8, 2011

Solution to peeling problems and an odd place for a bath....

I was struggling to finish peeling the last of the spindles in mid-July, so Bob kindly dredged up a bathtub that he found in the bush near an old cabin site to the east and I used it to soak them.  This worked nicely and I show a photo of the tub with the last few pieces still in it.  While I worked on them up above on the porch, I got to pondering about that bathtub sitting on the front lawn.  Although we have a shower plumbed into the house, we do not have a bathtub yet........ so I scrubbed it out, put some nice fresh cedar leaves in there and filled it with the hose.  I let it warm up in the afternoon sun and hopped in that evening, with candles on the corner to light my way.  Bob tried to get a photo of this caper, but quarreled with the camera and was not able to capture the moment (about which I discreetly posed with strategically draped towel).   Bob is thinking that I am becoming just a little peculiar spending so much time working at the house after this experience, so he's trying to get me to get out a little more.