Monday, January 10, 2011

Brrrrrrr..... dipping to less than -20C at night!

This week we used the tractor to move some small bales of hay to the new barn so that we could store large round bales in the available sea container space.   We picked up two loads of four bales each, giving us eight big bales and so for this time of year, about eight weeks of feed for the ponies.  That should take us through the first week of March.   While the freezing weather holds, we will free up a little more space within a month - then we can pick up eight more bales, taking us through to early May when it is less muddy.
Princess comes for a drink of warm water, she is normally solid black with a tiny white star on her forehead - this morning she is tipped with white frost all over.   Happy as a clam and warm under all that fur.   The bucket holds 16 quarts and although it needs topping up three times a day from the freeze proof hydrant, it only consumes 260 watts of energy.  All in all a good investment to prevent dehydration and colic trouble!