Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Round 3 already

Here it is already, round 3 as of May 26, 2008.  Things were slowed up by rain but progress is great none the less.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

More on Round 2 - joints

Here is a detail of the beautiful joints that Ronn does. These sure are BIG logs.

Up to Round Two

Great progress at May 20, 2008 - the SECOND round of logs.   We can almost visualize sitting on the porch sipping a cold one looking out at the horses....

First round of logs - the house is born

Here is the first log round (of 8) at the building yard.  Such beautiful logs!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

November 2005 - getting the road in shape

Another back to November 2005 shot of the road coming in as we start to ditch and slash to clear it for future work.

Back in time to 2005 - old cabin and golf clubhouse

This takes us back in time to about the 60's when Frank and Rose Cook ran the place as a 5 hole golf course. Although it had grown in a bit and the buildings were derelict, the meadows left from the golf course were still clear and ready to be clipped as horse pasture.

Here's what is looked like in November 2005.  The buildings had fallen down so Bob and John cleaned them up for burning.  The surprise was to find a big hole under the cabin (good thing we did not lose Bob or John).