Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Winter 2009

Looks in March 2009 as though it's goodbye Maple Grove Road, hello moving to Angara. Tentative closing date April 15, which is fast approaching.

View From the Air

Many thanks to Raymond for taking this terrific shot while doing moose counts. The view is from the east, looking west. The 40' sea container (orange box) sits just in front of where the barn will go up this summer.
Perhaps we can shoot this one again in 2010 with siding on the house and ponies in the field!

Early March Checks

Catherine snowshoed in the first week of March to check on things. Thanks to our snowmachining friends who watched the place for us all winter, everything is in good shape awaiting spring work to start.

The only catch was it sure looked like cougar tracks following me on the trail..........turns out on closer inspection that it was the crampons on my snowshoes. Phew.