Saturday, February 7, 2009

December view

Snow snow snow is the recipe for the winter of 2008/2009.   This shot was taken at the end of December 2009 and you can see Bob on the porch - we were working on making sure things were well closed up for the upcoming winter weather.

Angara sign from Ronn Hann

Here is the gorgeous log sign that Ronn made and left for us to find like a Santa gift in December. The images of the rearing horses are a prelude to the arrival of the Morgans and Princess (Shetland pony) in 2009.

North and South Gables get soffit

Here is the nice job Don's crew did on the "Sandlewood" coloured steel soffit to close up the north and south gables.  An easier option for maintenance and looks OK with the colour of the logs.  We ran out of weather so the east and west gable ends are closed up temporarily with plywood and insulation until spring.    See also from this shot what a great job Jim did with constructing the arch on the south side (under the eyebrow).